A couple of weeks ago, I took Morris in for his surgical follow up. The surgeon was very pleased with his progress, both physically and socially. I was able to reach in and bring Morris out for his exam. There was no swiping, no hissing and no trying to get away from us. There are many domesticated cats that don't do that well, so Morris has made significant progress.
In terms of global progress, it's obvious to see just how far Morris has come. I can't thank those responsible enough for their contributions to Morris, their interest in Morris and their belief in a kitty whose story tugged their hearts.
Mobility: Previously, Morris ran wherever he needed to go. I think his idea was to get to where he needed to go fast to minimize the amount of pain. Upon arriving at his location, he would sit down very quickly. I'm not sure how, but it seemed that sitting caused him very little pain. Now, Morris strolls everywhere, unless I'm putting food down. ;-) He's still got a "swagger" and always will have a swagger, but he's more comfortable when walking and it's obvious.
Sociability: Morris has always sought the comfort of other cats, but never really played with them. He would try to engage his brother, but if Garfield wasn't interested, Morris wouldn't pursue it. Now, Morris plays all by himself and with the newest kitten to the fold, Olivia. He's really quite sweet with her. He also loves to play with Neko, our firmly established matriarch. Many nights you will find them snuggling together, mostly at his insistence.
Human Interaction: Previously, Morris would come thisclose and then run away. Any new stimuli would send him running for the hills. Now, he's rubbing his head on my hand and when new people enter his domain, he shows curiousity after the initial furor has died down. He still gets a little hissy when startled, but stays his ground and works through it. He even snuggled with ME recently, though as soon as he realized what he was doing, he vacated his warm spot, but not before I got photographic evidence!

HA! I can't tell you how much this made my day and hopefully it will make yours!